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GET THESE MOST LOVED FUN Exercises and Activities in THIS EXLUSIVE PACK! Sets of 12 cards in packs. Fun for the Early Learner & The Middle Learner featuring Rocket Dog the Friendly Beagle and his two freinds, Chewy the Squirrel and Rascal the Raccoon.


The Auditory Processing Cards are meant to be a FUN way to help your child stimulate and increase the brain processing. These cards and activities will aide the child in:

  • Associative Deficit

  • Prosodic Deficit

  • Sequencing (you may use along with the Brain Balance cards SEQUENCING portion for this activity). When giving more than one clue at a time and asking child to mark off the images in the same order as they have been called out orally will assist with sequencing. 


Sound or Auditory discrimination is the ability to distinguish between similar sounds. Weakness in sound or auditory discrimination might be caused by physical hearing issues or by a weakness in sound  perception or any combination of these variables. Sound or auditory discrimination difficulties could affect phonological awareness as well as processing of verbal or auditory information. Just print your digital cards onto cardstock, laminate, and keep in your own toolkit.

Sound Discrimination Pack for Early & Mid-Learners PLUS Challenge Cards

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