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Struggling Learner to THRIVING Achiever

Get FULL access to everything you need to get LASTING RESULTS!

We have everything you need for REAL results ready to go for you. Hearing from hundreds of parents desperately needing an evaluation for their child or teachers needing to have students evaluated, we are bridging the gap. If you're anything like us, you have tried expensive curricula, centers, therapies, and so much are ready to FINALLY SEE RESULTS that actually LAST!


We get it, we've been there! Not only do we align all of our literacy lessons with the science of reading from the Structured Literacy Approach, but we also assess students in all areas needed for intervention and remediation including:


  • Neurobehavioral Assessment

  • Physical Assessment

  • Mother & Child Health History

  • Developmental Milestones History

  • Primitive Reflex Assessment

  • Left/Right Side Dominance Assessment

  • The 7  Sensory Assessments 

If you are ready to get some REAL Results that actually LAST, you're in the right place. 


We have put together a comprehensive resource library with lessons, videos, action plans, activities and so much more you need without being overwhelmed. Simply, click on the struggle you are having with your child or student, and follow along as we guide you through the proper assessment, interventions, strategies and specific activities to determine the weakness and the proper exercises for strengthening. 

When you join us in the program, Struggling Learner to Thriving Achiever, you go... 



  • Stressing about your struggling learner

  • Researching for the next resource and piecing together one curriculum after another to fill the needed gaps

  • Tears every day because of the struggle

  • Worrying that you are not meeting the needs of your students and targeting where they need it most

  • Trying to keep your students interested in the lessons and instruction you are providing

  • Continued review review review over the same daunting literacy tasks every day, often times repeating the same lessons multiple days


  • Having a peace of mind that your student is making progress

  • Having all the resources you need specific to the area needed for strengthening for success.

  • Joyful smiles because of the progress your student is making in all academic areas

  • Having a full scope and sequence and goal bank to keep your student on track for success

  • Having fun and engaging lessons and activities that keep your student on track

  • Moving your student from the phonological awareness, phonics and vocabulary goals to fluency and comprehension across multiple genres of texts

So, what is the Struggling Learner to

Thriving Achiever Library anyway?


The Struggling Learner to Thriving Achiever Library is filled with ready-to-use DIGITAL resources that give you everything you will need to address the functional issue causing the struggle for your student AND literacy resources aligned with the Science of Reading plus membership to our online community and private Facebook group. New Resources are continually dropped into the program and professional development for you.


  • Brain Exercise Cards

  • Primitive Reflex Exercise Cards

  • Rhythm & Crossover Cards

  • Most LOVED Auditory Processing Cards

  • Sound Discrimination Cards

  • Sensory-Motor Exercise Cards

  • Visual & Directionality Exercise Cards

  • Easy to use lessons to determine the way your child learns best, and easy to to use materials to strengthen the way they learn.

  • Tons of pintables including all assessments for your child/student, refrigerator charts, vision & directionality charts, Six (6) Keys to Success, Primitive Reflexes, and so much more!

Exclusive Membership Only

Dyslexia Unlocked! Struggling Learner to THRIVING Achiever is the fastest growing online program for educators and parents; a COMPLETE program with FULL ACCESS to the custom library with UNLIMITED RESOURCES &  LIFETIME ACCESS!

Have a student with an auditory or sensory delay? There is an ACTION PLAN for that. Do you have a child or a student you suspect is dyslexic? There's an ACTION PLAN for that! Perhaps you are working with a child with ADD or ADHD? There is an ACTION PLAN for that!


During this program, we walk you through every step of the way giving you to most up to date research-based interventions, strategies, scope & sequence, target based lessons and instruction, activities and MUCH MORE! All of our literacy lessons are based upon the science of reading and Structured Literacy Approach, but not before first determining the area of the weak function. Most curricula fail because this key component is missing. This is POWERFUL! Only when we assess the proper areas of the brain determining the weakness, then we can strengthen the needed areas to ensure the brain is IGNITED for learning.


THEN, we guide you through providing foundations, full scope and sequence AND specific ACTION PLANS to address the issue (dyslexia, ADD, ADHD, Auditory Processing, Visual Processing, Sensory Processing, and more). After completing this program, the busy classroom teacher or homeschool parent/teacher who need some tools right now to help the struggling learner in your life unlock the proper areas in the brain for learning to transpire will have a COMPLETE Training & Library right at your fingertips whenever you need!


Dyslexic kids are brilliant, they just learn differently & 60% of teachers have NEVER been trained in strategies for assessing for retained primitive reflexes, brain stimulation, AND teaching phonemic awareness, phonics, vocabulary, fluency, & comprehension.! You just need to learn the strategies and exercises that work for 95% of your children! THEY WORK!!! I'd love to show you the exact assessments & strategies I use to unlock my students' brains, increase motivation, comprehension, self regulation and MORE & HOW to create your OWN toolbox. THEN...YOU can help others to the same!



Hope for the First Time

"I have a struggling learner who is ADHD and recently found out he has dyslexia. I didn't know what exactly it means to be dyslexic, nor did I know what to do or how to help him. He was really having a hard time in school and could not read at all when the rest of his peers could. A relative shared a video with me by Dr. Rebecka of Cherish Children Ministries, and after watching the video I felt so hopeful for the first time. Dr. Rebecka makes helping kids with learning disabilities seem so natural and easy. T The assessments & exercises she gives & recommends doing with your child are effective and don't take a lot of time to do, and my son has fun doing them. He has no idea that they are improving his brain, and are not just silly games to play. I am thankful for the opportunity of getting all the info she gives."

Hopeless to Thriving

"More moms really need this course, it is so helpful. I am so thankful I am able to help my daughter before it's real too late." 



Still Learning

"I am a Physical Therapist, and while we learned about the primitive reflexes in school, I never learned what would happen if they were retained. I am grateful for the information Dr. Rebecka gives."




"The assessments Dr. Rebecka walks you through are amazing, and SO helpful. I waited for months to have an evaluation, but after I found Struggling Learner to Thriving Achiever, I took all I learned, was able to evaluate my own child, and share it with my child's team plus have one-on-one consultation with Dr. Rebecka. Now, we are thriving and on grade level."



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